Nokia C6 v42.0.004 Full and Mini Qwerty Keyboard All Languages Latest Firmware

There are many CFW but full with bugs. For example many CFW have full and mini qwerty virtual keyboard but video calls are disabled because stupid moders overwrite StaticFeatures.dll to enable one feature but disable another. Most of them do not know how to edit properly StaticFeatures.dll neither how to integrate properly other fixes and features.

Even if you find a bug free CFW working on 100% (there are only few in the Internet) they are so badly wasted with stupid splash screens, startup pictures, shutdown greetings, branded menus, stuffed with apps, nasty icons, unwanted keyboards that cause you facepalm. And almost all of them are not based on the latest software version for nokia C6-00 firmware v42.0.004 of C6-00, hence you get older browser, music player etc. Thereby this nokia C6-00 custom firmware is unique of its kind, based on last firmware v42.0.004 with with full and mini qwerty virtual keyboard, all bug fixes, without pollution with fluffy things and stuffing inside, clear firmware and good to go. Original style without built in stupid splash screens, startup pictures, shutdown greetings, branded menus, unwanted apps, nasty icons, unwanted keyboards etc. After flashing you are free to install anytime your icons with themes, patches, apps, settings you like and configure is up to you. No need to bear someone else bad taste designs just because is hardcoded inside! Clear nokia n97 custom firmware with all necessary bugfixes but no pollution inside. Many customizations can be added and removed after flashing, so no need to hardcode it within firmware (see additional patches)

Before flashing if you like you can add your own virtual qwerty keyboard with your language, no matter what German, Bulgarian, Italian, Urdu, Hebrew, Chinese, Arabic, African et cetera. Just in few easy steps make your alphabet emerge on the virtual keyboard in order you like.

Download Nokia C6 v42.0.004 Full and Mini Qwerty Keyboard


  • properly working hardware keyboard. No bugs on the physical buttons, button . (dot) works!
  • full and mini qwerty virtual keyboard. Add any language you like (tutorial below how to add your own language)
  • FM radio work flawless, no bugs no issues
  • music player with lyrics support works like a charm. Last version
  • 65MB free on C and 56MB free RAM after a hard reset
  • working Video Calls, TV Out, Video Sharing, 3D ringtones, XDM profiles, Help, working StaticFeatures.dll
  • the last Nokia Browser, Symbian Anna one (v. works great and has the highest Flash Lite version!
  • original user agent in the browser. Web sites should open properly because not seeing your browser as Safari, Crome, iPhone etc. If you want web sites seeing you as different browser you can copy a custom user agent in c:\private\10202be9 anytime after
  • call log up to 365 days
  • ability to rename applications
  • English as default language. Especially after Flashing the phone will boot in English language!
  • Nokia mobile dictionary with English menus without builtin dictionaries that cannot be removed. Anytime you can install dictionaries only you like. Here you are all original Nokia .sis dictionary collection NokiaMobileDictionary.zip
  • camera photos on 100% jpeg quality.
  • Original Nokia startup and shut down screens. No builtin stupid pictures. Only startup animation is voided for fast start
  • RomPatcher v3.1 built in. Phone is open but no built in patches! Just copy the patches in E:\Patches or C:\Patches. Here you are patch collection. RomPatches.zip
  • original Nokia icons and themes! No hardcoded dummy icons! If you need fluffy icons just install a theme with icons you like and uninstall when you like!
  • no hidden icons in the firmware! Many dull CFW hide some icons like Phone Search, MemoryCheck, Conversation, etc. They can be hidden anytime after flash with copying custom 101F8847.txt in C:\private\10202be9. Check the patch collection below
  • Original Nokia fonts!!! Allows using all possible languages on the phone! Many CFW moders build limited encoding fonts with less characters and screw some languages, that cause issues in chapter below “How to make own keyboard with your language” as phone is unable to visualize your language. These original fonts have only 2 symbols added, shutdown and restart in power button menu
  • if you want fancy looking menus you can copy own fonts anytime in E:\Resource\Fonts. Connect as mass storage to copy or delete your custom fonts. Do not put fonts in C:\Resource\Fonts because is unable to delete it. Fonts.rar
  • original kinetic scroll. Original rotating sensitivity. It can be changed anytime after copying a custom setting in C:\private\10202be9
  • no removed apps like search, drawing, phone switch, image editor etc.
  • 5 shortcut widgets instead of only 2
  • option "Locking screen and keyboard" has been replaced with "Restart" in the power button menu
  • builtin – touch screen unlock, BTSwitch, Accel Switch, timer, flashlight, MenuSwitch (switch grid on 4x5, 4x4, 3x4) KeyLock and Tap2Screen
  • Qt version 4.7.3, PIPS 1.07(5), QtMobility 1.01(302), Open C LIBSSL Common 1.07(0), SQLite3 0.50(0), QtWebKit 4.07(3)
  • and many bugfixes and overall optimized performance and stability with last nokia’s firmware masterpiece
  • add effects you like anytime after flash. Put it in C:\Resource\effects. Effects.rar

20 Patches Collection.rar after flashing put a custom patch you like, anytime with coping .txt file in appropriate folder.
Nokia PC Suite find the phone and works well.


Nokia maps completely functional

Nokia maps is not built in by some reasons:

  • PC Nokia Suite wont find Nokia Maps properly on your phone, hereby you cannot install maps and voices from PC
  • builtin Nokia Maps cause bugs. For example you can download maps thru WiFi directly but can’t download voices
  • builtin apps are not good idea from flexibility point of view. You cannot install another version you like, neither last one, and have to stick with the builtin version

Here you can download latest software version for nokia C6-00 and see how Nokia Maps can work flawless when you install it as standalone app. Here is the last official version signed by nokia “Nokia Ovi Maps 3.06(688) 11wk23 b05”.

Install Nokia Maps as soon as possible after flashing before installing any others apps. Delete E:\cities. The way for proper install is to unpack the main package, install the 3 packages inside and then install the main package. So install as it’s:

Do not mess the order, do not install following package before the previous. Recommended to turn on RomPatches Open4All, InstallServer, NoBuiltInError. Known issues: skipping of 1, 2, 3 and direct installation of Nokia Ovi Maps 3.06(688) 11wk23 b05 could be successful but it may give error and then the installation is messed up.
After Nokia Ovi Maps installation, you can open PC Nokia Suite and install maps.


Synchronizations of places work well. Open desktop Google Earth Desktop www.google.com/earth/explore/products/desktop.html, give closer view on a place, press Ctrl+Shift+C, open www.here.com and sign in your account and paste Ctrl+V the location. Save the point. Then on your phone Nokia Maps -> Favorites -> Syncronize and all points will download.

How to make own virtual full and mini keyboard with your language?

Use NokiaCooker v3.4. There is a plugin called “Nokia QWERTY-Keyboard Editor”. Look in plugin folder or find it separately. With NokiaCooker open RM-612_42.0.004_prd.core.C00.

After in NokiaCooker folder you will find your nokia C6-00 custom firmware in “Files” folder.

Start Nokia QWERTY-Keyboard Editor and open file \resource\plugins\peninputvkbwindowconfiginfo_01.rsc.

Now select Other and Other(|) and type all letters which you want to have on the keyboard.

How to Flash? Or revive a dead phone and bring it alive when you kill it and won’t boot.

There are many tutorials in the Internet any of them about JAF will be fine. Here is a good one http://phorepoc.eu/modding/guides/how-to-flash-with-jaf.html

  • Put all files from the archive in Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-612\
  • Install JAF in Program Files\ODEON\JAF\
  • Before Flash you can change your product code as 0570817 using JAF. Here is how to do it http://www.techcredo.com/symbian/change-n97-product-code
  • How to flash? Put the settings as is on the screenshot, a dialog will popup and select RM-612.


Tribute to Nokia C6

Nowadays you can still buy brand new Nokia C6 with all features that you can’t find it in any other phone. If you know other phone including all these features please show it and get $1000 prize:

  • 3,2” display but not higher than 4" cause is not comfty except I'm not gonna paddle with it
  • free offline GPS. The golden goose is the free offline maps. Online navigation that GoogleMaps provide is only for the cities when the phone is on charger and has coverage and internet. Online navigation when hiking or cycling is big no-no. Transmitting packages in internet thru GPRS cost 600 mAh, packages in 3G cost 400 mAh, now you can guess how quick your battery will drain. And what about when there is no coverage and internet? On such distant and wild place you really rely on your GPS and it will leave you in the bog? GoogleMaps can cache only small region so you have to know where you going before to take the road or to stick within that area. Good example how a program rules the user but not vice versa. Nokia Maps has full countryside offline maps, cost free, and is one of the best maps ever, with very precise updating speed cameras saving me a lot of demerit points from my driver licence :) besides I like to browse on my PC with Google Earth and do the trick on the place I see Ctrl+Shift+C and then in www.here.com paste coordinates Ctrl+V in my account, then in my phone Nokia Maps -> Favorites -> Syncronize and all points are downloaded and I’m ready to spinning away. Nokia C6 is real adventure phone that never left me when I crossed the globe, many continents and oceans, explored jungles and coastal islands, and never felt lost at so many places on earth
  • battery replacement. In contrast of current phones on the market when battery is over you need a whole toolbox to perform complex service work to open and put a new battery, recommended to do in laboratory conditions, all this is called “phone disassemble” and have nothing to do with the notion “battery replacement”. A good moment to understand the difference is when you are in a deep jungle, battery is dead, no worries you have a couple of spare batteries in your pocket. Ops where are my tools and screwdriver? Left at home? Bye bye GPS, hello walk in circle
  • hardware keyboard. Along with 2 virtual qwerty keyboard, physical keyboard is vital for every business phone. When I edit documents, texting, writing etc. I need to see all text on full screen while typing and thinking about the gist of the passage. Do not want to switch every second between document and virtual keyboard typing.
  • hardware D-pad with buttons. Very handy when play games, especially old school classic game emulators like SEGA, Nintendo, GameBoy, Mame etc. On phones without hardware keyboard the gamepad is on the screen, but excuse me… I am not the Invisible Man and my hands are not transparent yet, so no matter how big is the screen I want to enjoy on full surface of the game screen. And no need to talk about how handy is the touch screen control.
  • Bluetooth keyboard can replace the two items above? Nope, thanks, no need to carry bulky cases in my pocket as second wallet. Furthermore will face Murphy's law every time when I open the bluetooth keyboard to find the battery dead because haven’t been charged long time ago. Even don’t want to talk about the time to wait for pair or connect the keyboard to the phone especially when I need a quick type just for second to check something fast and go.
  • great audio quality frequency graph. Check here www.gsmarena.com/nokia_c6_review-review-497p5 the frequency chart is so smooth and flat touching perfect frequency range that can be compared with high quality mp3 players
  • high quality camera optic as Carl Zeiss 5Mpx or more. 5Mpx is fair enough with good optic. No need 15 or 50Mpx cause I’m not going to print the photos on a billboard. Zoom is much more than bunch of megapixels, its matter of optic too despite most people don’t understand this buying 40Mpx phones mistaking Megapixels like zoom.
  • phone as pocket PC. Must be opened from any PC as regular file system and fully operational to upload all kind of files like mp3 pdf doc images books games etc. and be readable for the phone’s programs. No need to put it on google drive, drop boxes, juke boxes, sand boxes and all kind of cloud and cosmic drives


Before going further down to the link I would like to praise a ton of people that helped into making this firmware a reality. Although none of these people helped directly their information and knowledge that they shared on various forums and blogs made this firmware become a reality. Mohamed Hegazy, Coderus, IaguCool, PNHT, IC@Darkstream, duybinh24, Phorepoc, operator_555, Dedushka.

Copyright Notice.

This work is released for free and as it is. Free for personal use and non-commercial, free to share.

Not for commercial use.

If you want to publish this custom firmware somewhere else, then kindly ask for permission first, it's a lot of hard work so do respect that.. Link your post to the original post here and don't mirror the download links.

For more information, updates, support, bug report or research issues please refer to NokiaN97@cybercom.com.au or www.cybercom.com.au/Nokia-C6-v42-0-004-full-and-mini-qwerty-virtual-keyboard-all-languages-latest-firmware.